Saturday, May 23, 2009


Sorry for didnt update my blog quite a long time....I always told my friend that the most important things in my life is eat besides that is sleep. This term i just have 2 classes a week....oh yeah!!!but because of it screw up my timetable...Normally ppl wake up at morning but i wake up at evening like 4 pm or 5pm...I cant sleep early until i saw the sun coming up and say "goodnight"to me. Thus,I missed a lots of party and some phone call from. This month got lot of b'day gal and boy...But i always overslept,didnt atttend their b'day party.. Sorry ya my friends...I will pay for it,just remember to call me up..And i will try my best to pick up all the phone call....Don abandon me ya my friend...For now on, i will try to rearrangge my sleeping time..Hope that i can do it....

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